Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A short story - 'Submission'

I don't usually do BDSM stories. However on occasion, when I'm in a particularly strange, usually foul, mood I'll come up with one. 'Submission' is the first. - E.



"What do you want from me?" she whimpered, looking at the bonds that held her.

"You complete and utter submission to my will," he answered with a sneer. "You dared to disobey me."

She hung her head whispering, "I love him."

"That doesn't matter, I want him. You were told to bring him to me." He looked around the room. "I don't see him here."

The whip descended, biting into her back and she moaned.

"When I'm finished you will disgust him. Do you think he'll want a woman who needs this," the whip descended again, "before she can be satisfied?"

"No," she sobbed, sickened as she felt her body begin to respond after only two strokes.

It has always been like this, her need for what he gave her. She watched as he came to stand in front of her, refusing to look away even as she knew she should keep her head bowed in submission. He smiled, tapping her chin with the handle of the whip.

"You have become defiant because of this man."

The handle moved lower, tracing small circles around her taut nipples before he reversed his hold on the whip, flicking it so that it bit into them. She cried out in pain at the same time that she arched her back so that her breasts reached towards him in need for what he was giving her.

He laughed, a bitter sound, and flicked the whip again. "Why do you force me to do this? I had one small request, invite him to join us. Let him see what you are, what you desire. Let him become a participant in our games or turn away and leave you."

"He would rather die than join us."

"Are you so sure?" He stepped forward, cupping her breasts in his hands, rolling the nipples between his fingers until she was moaning from pain and pleasure. "How could a man resist seeing his woman desire what he can give her?"

"Not this, he'd never want to do this to me, he loves me." She looked down, watching his hands on her.

He chuckled. "I love you too and yet I do this, willingly, and you accept it, willingly."

His hands moved lower, stroking, caressing until they reached her center. "Spread you legs for me," he ordered and she did, moaning as his fingers rubbed over her clit, knowing what came next and hating herself for needing it. The whip flicked again and once more, biting into her tenderness and she cried out.

"Interesting, " a voice said from behind her. "I would never have thought to do that."

Two arms reached around her, hands covering her breasts, squeezing, and lips kissed the back of her neck.

"My little innocent, my small flower who wanted only to be caressed and gently teased into desire has another side."

The man in front of her smiled, cupping her face in his hands so that she had to look at him. "You would not ask him so I did." He bent, kissing her, forcing his tongue between now unwilling lips.

She tried to pull away but another hand tangled into her hair, holding her there. Another voice told her, "Submit to us."

And she did.


  1. Wow, short, nice and hot! I like it! ;D

  2. This is the very first thing I've read in this site. If this is the result of a "foul" mood, DAMN! I wonder what you can do while totally pissed off! LOL One with M/M would be much appreciated!
    This little piece is HOT and truly delivers!

  3. Thank you very much. BDSM is really not my forte I'm afraid. This was pretty much of a fluke in the grand scheme of my writing.
