"Why did you want me back here?" Mary asked. "I thought you wanted me somewhere safe." She looked both puzzled and afraid as she huddled in the corner of Glenn's sofa.
"We do, and after thinking more about it I decided that your father probably does know about Harv. It would explain why he decided Miriam and Joey are here."
"It was 'cause of the coffee place," Mary said.
"Oh?" Glenn cocked an eyebrow.
She chewed her lip as her eyes flicked from person to person. "He said that their stupidity in calling it 'M and J's' was their undoing. He said it took him some time to figure that out but when he did he knew this was where they were."
Joey grimaced. "And that's how you knew where to call to find me?"
"Umm hmm. I looked in the phone book at the pay phone at the gas station."
Joey stared at her. "Then you already knew you were close when you called because it wouldn't have been listed in a phone book in any other city."
"I… I was…" Her eyes dropped down to her lap as she twisted her hands together.
Joey's mother, who was seated at the other end of the sofa, slid over beside Mary. She took hold of her hands, gripping them when the girl tried to pull away. "He let you go, didn't he?"
"No!" Mary shook her head wildly. "I escaped when he… he…"
"Mary," Glenn said grimly, "you won't be free of him if you don't tell us the truth."
"I am telling the truth. I got away and found that gas station and… and found the coffee place in the phone book and called."
"Glenn's right, Mary, without our help he'll take you again when he's finished with us," Joey told her. "Do you really think he'll let you go if you're a witness to his killing us?"
"He promised…" Mary clamped her mouth tightly shut when she realized what she'd just said.
"Mary," Joey's mother said softly, "we understand that you believe he'll let you go, Steven can be very manipulative. I should know, I lived with him in spite of how he treated me. But he's lying; he has no intention of letting you go. He thinks he owns you. Is that what you want, to spend the rest of your life being his personal punching bag and plaything?"
"No," Mary whispered.
"I didn't think so. So please, please, tell us how he's going to use you to find us. If you do then we can stop him."
"What if you can't?" Hope and doubt played across Mary's face.
"We can," Glenn told her adamantly. "I know what I'm doing. I just have to know how to find him."
"He'll come here if she tells him we're here," Joey pointed out.
"I want to get to him before that happens." When Joey frowned and seemed ready to protest, Glenn glared at him. "Don't argue with me. I'm the expert here, not you."
Joey glared back. "Now just a second here, I have some training. It is what I'm studying."
"Schoolbook knowledge means shit right now. I'm not going to let him get within miles of this place if I can help it." Glenn turned his attention to Mary. "How are you supposed to get in contact with him?"
She ran her hands through her already tangled hair. "I'm supposed to sneak one of their phones and call him."
"I don't suppose you know where he's gone to ground around here."
"No. He said that was none of my business when I… when I asked him."
Glenn nodded. "All right. I need a few minutes to get some equipment. Joey, if you'll come with me. Miriam, your phone please. Mary, what's the number you're calling?"